Barbara Morrison named 2012 Financial Woman of the Year

October 2012

Barbara Morrison, founder and president of TMC Financing, was named 2012 Financial Woman of the Year at our October 2 awards luncheon at the Hyatt Regency, San Francisco. The award recognizes Morrison’s decades of civic and business leadership and her significant contributions to small business financing.

Morrison Champions Bay Area Entrepreneurs

A woman of many interests and passions, the former mayor also founded Working Solutions, a nonprofit which provides microloans, coaching and education to Bay Area entrepreneurs.

“We are honored to have Barbara represent our organization as Financial Woman of the Year,” said FWA President Erin McCune. “For over three decades, she has demonstrated intense commitment to developing small businesses, supporting the local economy through job growth, guiding future leaders, and creating environments and opportunities where women can excel.”

“This award is especially meaningful to me,” said Morrison. “I believe the FWA is recognizing a body of work that is particularly important today – providing access to capital for growing small businesses, and promoting job creation and economic recovery.”

Awards Luncheon Supports Scholarships

Morrison is the the leader to receive the prestigious award. (link to previous recipients) It was presented at a luncheon attended by FWSF members and guests at the Hyatt Regency, San Francisco. The luncheon directly supports our Scholarship Fund. Since 1985, the Fund has awarded over $1,750,000 in scholarship grants to more than 200 Bay Area women who show promise as future financial leaders.

Bay Area Businesses Pay Tribute to Morrison

2012 Sponsors of the FWA Financial Woman of the Year luncheon include Charles Schwab, KPMG LLP, Lenos Software, John Crane Films, SF Business Times, Ireland Productions, KLM Marketing Services, Advent Software, BlackRock, Grant Thornton, Rina Accountancy Corporation, and Robert Half.

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Get to Know Barbara Morrison