Letter from our President, Paige Venable

Paige VenableDear FWSF Members and Friends,

As your president for 2017, I am excited about the year ahead, and I want to personally invite you to deepen your engagement with FWSF this year. We have amazing programs coming up—not just in San Francisco, but in the East Bay and Silicon Valley. Beyond attending these inspiring, fun programs and events, I want to encourage you to get involved by volunteering for a committee or special project.

My first and foremost goal this year is to serve you, our members. How? By listening to you and by promoting your participation and engagement in the organization. By stepping up your engagement, you make business connections, build friendships and gain the most benefit from the community of brilliant women and men who make up FWSF.

Attend our events, and fall in love with the organization and what it stands for like I did. Our mission—to advance the careers of women in finance and financial services—is as relevant today as ever!  Despite the gains women have made in finance and financial services, we remain sadly under-represented in the C-suite.

Our past president Darcy Illig inspired us by reminding us to share our passion and our stories around FWSF and why we are here. For me, it is all about the joy I have experienced personally and professionally helping with the scholarship program and mentoring. 

We have literally hundreds of ways for you to get involved! Lean in, learn, grow and share your experiences with FWSF. On behalf of our dynamic board of directors, I wish you a rich and rewarding year and invite you to step up your investment in FWSF.


Paige Venable
Financial Women of San Francisco

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