SAN FRANCISCO, C.A., April 2, 2018 – Heidi Roizen, a partner at venture firm DFJ, has been named the 2018 Financial Woman of the Year by Financial Women of San Francisco (FWSF), a 400-member organization of professionals in finance and financial services. This award is the organization’s highest honor.
Roizen exemplifies FWSF’s mission of leading, mentoring and inspiring and shares FWSF’s passion for advancing the careers of women, demonstrated through her leadership as a successful woman in venture, her service on over 30 boards and her teaching at Stanford University.
“We are thrilled to honor Heidi Roizen as our 2018 Financial Woman of the Year,” said Kathleen Nielsen, president of Financial Women of San Francisco. “Heidi is an outstanding leader in the local, national and international financial and educational communities. She is a highly accomplished role model who has given back and mentored countless women—and men—throughout her career. Our entire FWSF membership will be enriched by Heidi’s presence. It is certain to be an educational year for us.”
Roizen joined DFJ in 2012, where she is an investment partner as well as manager of the firm’s services team. She serves on the boards of directors of six DFJ portfolio companies — Planet, Zoox, Memphis Meats, ShareThis, Flux and Divvy, and is also a non-executive director of international firm DMGT (LSE:DMGT). Roizen also co-leads the DFJ Entrepreneurial Leaders Fellowship Program in the Management Science and Engineering department at Stanford University.
“I am truly honored and humbled to have been selected for this award by Financial Women of San Francisco,” said Heidi. “I have long admired the work FWSF has done to connect, mentor and advance women in the financial services sector. I’m delighted to address them at the luncheon in the fall and also support their scholarship efforts.”
Roizen will deliver a keynote address at FWSF’s 23rd Financial Woman of the Year luncheon on September 14, 2018, an annual event that funds FWSF’s scholarship program for Bay Area women pursuing careers in finance and financial services. Last year’s Financial Woman of the Year event raised a record $511,500 in corporate in-kind and cash contributions. FWSF has awarded over $2.5 million in scholarships over the past 30 years to more than 300 Bay Area women. FWSF’s Scholarship luncheon is June 8, 2018. Tickets are available here.
The Financial Woman of the Year award and luncheon was established in 1996 to celebrate the organization’s 40th anniversary. Past FWSF Presidents Leslie Miller and Shelly Porges created the Financial Woman of the Year event with a triple purpose: to raise funds for FWSF’s scholarship program, to create greater awareness of FWSF, and to celebrate and promote the careers of the most senior women in finance. Since then it has provided a platform for high-achieving honorees to share their professional experience with others, inspiring them in their own careers and ambitions. Roizen joins a distinguished list of previous honorees, including Robin Washington, chief financial officer (CFO) of Gilead, Debbie Messemer, managing partner of KPMG’s Bay Area Market; Carrie Dolan, former CFO of Lending Club; Sarah Friar, CFO of Square; and Pat Yarrington, CFO of Chevron.
For more information about the Financial Woman of the Year program, scholarship programs, or to become a sponsor, click here.
About The Financial Women of San Francisco
Financial Women of San Francisco seeks to advance the success of women in finance and financial services and to be a source of insight and inspiration to financial women executives and managers throughout the Bay Area.
The organization’s membership includes women in positions of influence within the financial services sector and women who hold senior level positions within non-finance companies, government agencies and the non-profit sector. Members include CEOs, CFOs, corporate treasurers, CPAs, attorneys, commercial and private bankers, investment advisors, fund managers, securities analysts, administrators, financial planners, consultants, recruiters and marketers.
For more information please visit or follow the Financial Women of San Francisco on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter @FinanceWomenSF