FWSF Endowment
The Financial Women of San Francisco endowment is a long-term investment vehicle that funds the scholarships we give each year to deserving Bay Area women studying in the area of finance. It’s one of the most important ways that we champion women in the world of financial services.
Established in 2009 and seeded by the generous contributions of founding members, the endowment aims to ensure the long-term viability of the Scholarship Program by creating a stable base of available scholarship funds that will support the program in any economic environment.

Support future women in finance
Every gift to the FWSF Endowment enables us to support the educational aspirations of talented young women in the Bay Area. As the endowment grows, so does the number of scholarships we can fund. Please consider a tax-deductible donation.
You can donate online, or if you prefer, you can pledge by completing and submitting a pledge form (PDF) or writing a check to The Financial Women's Association of San Francisco Scholarship Fund Inc. Write "Endowment Donation" in the memo section. Our mailing address is FWSF, 268 Bush Street #2822, San Francisco, CA 94104-3503. Remember to check with your employer to see if they will match your donation.
To learn more, endowment policy
Matching gifts & pledges
Many Bay Area businesses will match the value of your donation. Please remember to request a matching donation if applicable.
Founders circle
Platinum ($5,000 & over)
Michelle Alberda Olivia Barbee Anne Chambers Mary D. Corroon Ulla Davis Financial Women of San Francisco Rob & Linda Harrison Howe Darcy Illg Lela Jahn Leanne Karns & Rodney Schick Ron & Rita Karns Sarah Tolson Kim Jennifer Lawson Erin McCune Julie Merrill Mary Ann Munro Cara Peck Lorraine Sue Annemarie Tanner Shannon Tatum Tracy Teale Charlotte Wall Carrie Whisler
Gold ($2,500 to $4,999)
Kim Bollin Andrea G. Cope Lori McKenzie Inna Merzheritsky Laura Pilz Kim Scala Margaret Tunnell Paige Venable Salina Yeung
Silver ($1,000 to $2,499)
Salma Aghmane Irma Cayanan Karen Chan Fiona Grandi Allison Hightower Linda Jackson Nina McLemore Anthea Tolomei Carole Weller Alyssa Zagrobski
Bronze ($500 to $999)
Teresa Coleman Dottie Dutton Jenise Gaskin Sara Grossman Hyatt Regency Embarcadero Omni Hotel Presidio Golf Course Presidio YMCA
Donor (up to $499)
Susan Alfieri Carolyn Amster Anonymous Winnie Appleby Anne Armento Deb Boyden Nadia Brannon Allison Brown Burke's Canoes Heather Cameron Sophia Chami Claremont Resort and Spa Club Fugazi CODE Salon Christina Cook Simon Darken Shelby Duncan Maureen Freeman Andrea Griffin Carolyn Hartzer Christa Hill - Hey, Cookie! Lise Honore Anar Hooper Fawn Hubbard Wendy Jennings Kokkari Estiatorio Cynthia Kopec Susanne Leisy Michelle Lewis Petra Loer A'Laina Lyons Tanya Marston Claire McAuliffe Mary Montes Jill Myers Nob Hill Spa Lauren Nucci OCSC Sailing Rosie Oda The Palace Hotel Rina Accountancy Robert Half Management Resources SenSpa Sarah Becker Skincare Kristen Sousa Dana Staples Al Steenwyk Radmila Stolle Grace Sucaldito Tadich Grill Kate Thomas Sandy Tichenor Wendy Walker Ruth Werner Westin St. Francis Sarah Whitelaw Julia Wilhelm