Jessica Ross, Member of the Year 2018

Jessica Ross

Congratulations Jessica! At the holiday party, outgoing FWSF President Kathleen Nielsen announced that Jessica Ross [LinkedIn], controller at Stitch Fix, had been voted FWSF’s Member of the Year. Jessica, a long-time board member and two-time FWSF scholarship winner, led our strategic planning team this past year. Here is some background on Jessica and her contributions to FWSF:

Jessica Ross's passion for the FWSF has been demonstrated during her years of service as a board member, scholarship committee member, and co-chair for the Financial Woman of the Year event. Her commitment to FWSF expanded last year when she proactively proposed the formation of a strategic planning committee and agreed to lead the effort. Jessica recruited an outstanding committee of diverse members both from our FWSF community and outside it to ensure a multitude of voices and perspectives would be brought to the effort. With Jessica's inspiring leadership, guidance and vision, she and the committee have worked tirelessly to conduct a comprehensive review of the FWSF's strengths, relevance and distinctiveness. Because of Jessica's initiative and love of this organization, we will be better prepared to serve our members and our community in new ways as we head into the rapidly changing future of finance.