Meet a Member Monday

Kim Crosslin

Kim Crosslin

Commercial Banking Leader, Wells Fargo Technology Banking

What inspired you to join FWSF?
I joined for the networking and the opportunity to be part of an organization dedicated to women supporting women in the finance industry. When I started in banking almost 30 years ago, men dominated leadership positions. Although I’ve seen some progress, there’s still a gap in representation at the C-suite level. We need more women with a seat at the table, and FWSF helps advance this mission.

What’s your favorite part of FWSF?
My favorite part of FWSF is the scholarship program. I’ve interviewed students from St. Mary’s College and UC Berkeley and find their life stories and journeys very inspirational. Many are first-generation college students as well as immigrants who have developed a passion for finance. It’s such an honor to be part of their finance careers.

What’s your best career tip or advice for women entering the finance or financial services industries?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

Job application: Don’t think you need to check all of the boxes for the job requirements. You may have experience that translates perfectly for the position. Be confident in what you bring to the table and talk through your experience with the hiring manager.

Career aspirations: Don’t assume working hard will get you noticed and promoted. Make sure your career aspirations are known. Talk honestly – and confidently – with your boss about your plans for the future.

What’s your best career tip or advice for women at your level in the finance or financial services industries?
Own your age enthusiastically.

Do you have any news or anything else you’d like to share with the FWSF community?
Don’t underestimate the power of organizations like FWSF. We have a front row seat for trends in the industry and a special place to celebrate our achievements.


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Once our Social Media co-chairs receive your responses they will schedule our #MeetaMemberMonday and #CareerTipThursday features. Thanks.

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