Meet a Member Monday

Kristina Keck

Kristina Keck

Practice leader for the Retirement Plan team, Woodruff Sawyer

Please share a little about yourself and your business and social passions.

I have been in the financial services industry for over 25 years. A large portion of that time has been spent as an investment advisor to institutional retirement plans (401(k), Pension, NQ and nonprofit plans). I am the practice leader for the Retirement Plan team at Woodruff Sawyer and have been here since 2012. We are passionate about serving our clients and their businesses and that culture is carried through our team in serving our clients and their employees. We are on a mission for our clients to have reduced investment risk in their retirement plan and that their employees are on track for a successful retirement. It is our goal to bring Wall Street resources to Main Street employees. This is important because many employees have little or no access to financial advocates, advisors, or the resources they may need on their financial journey to retirement.
What inspired you to join FWSF?
I was invited to attend the Financial Women of the Year event when Jenny Johnson from Franklin Templeton was recognized. I have admired Jenny for years as we have a very strong partnership with Franklin Templeton. Her story was amazing, however what struck me most during that event was your scholarship program and mission in helping more women find the financial services industry. I know as well as anyone in this group that female representation in the financial and investment world is still small compared to males. In fact, I am a member of the American Retirement Association and am a Mentor in their Thrive program as well as sit on the Financial Literacy Council for the Retirement Advisor Council.
What’s your favorite part of FWSF?
I am still getting to know all of the facets, however I am very excited about FWSF’s focus on bringing more young women into this industry.

What’s your best career tip or advice for women entering the finance or financial services industries?
This will seem obvious, however, I think key to working your way up in this industry. Mentorship is important; however “Sponsorship” is even more important. I spent 7 years in the Air Force and had an amazing sponsor. He saw capabilities in me as a 23-year-old and allowed me growth opportunities that still amaze me to this day. His belief in me helped me build my leadership skills at a young age.

What’s your best career tip or advice for women at your level in the finance or financial services industries?
Stay engaged with other female leaders, never stop learning, and become a mentor/sponsor to younger women. I am surprised at how much we can also learn from younger generations in this industry. Especially around technology as it is changing rapidly. I have a 25-year-old on my team and it is amazing how much more engaged he is in technology and brings that expertise to our team.

Do you have any news or anything else you’d like to share with the FWSF community?
I am looking to start an internship program here at Woodruff Sawyer. If anyone has a good blueprint for this, I would love to meet and discuss.


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