Member Profile

Vicki CocchiarellaVicki Cocchiarella

Uber Technologies, Inc.
Sr. Manager, Strategic Sourcing, Workplace


What do you like most about being a member of the FWSF community?
Access to networking and informative events, and the opportunity to be surrounded by inspirational peers and leaders.

When you were 10 years old, what were your career aspirations?
Construction and interior design.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Helping people make their ideas become funded and fully realized projects!

What is your greatest achievement to date?
No achievement was solely mine, but I probably learned the most and made the most impact in my efforts toward offsetting Apple's energy load via supporting the development of renewable energy projects. Many of those projects, I'm told, are still greatly outperforming expectations.

What talent would you most like to have and why?
I wish I'd study music more diligently. I mean, who doesn't want to be a rock star?

Best part of the past year?
Fitting out my new home.

What is your top career tip?
Always voice what you're wondering, what's on your mind, or what you don't understand -- even if it seems like everyone else in the room 'gets it'. Chances are there are those around that don't understand as well, and are too embarrassed to say so. You don't want to find out later that your question would have been the key to a lot of needed answers.


Want to participate in Meet a Member?
We want to let the FWSF community know about you! If you would like to participate in our "Meet a Member," please complete this form (registration required). Answer any of the questions that interest you (or answer them all!).

Once our Social Media co-chairs receive your responses they will schedule our #MeetaMemberMonday and #CareerTipThursday features. Thanks.