Student Mentoring Opportunities

The members of Financial Women of San Francisco are deeply committed to the success of the next generation of women in finance. We express this commitment by funding college scholarships and serving as mentors to student scholarship recipients.


Career Development for Young Women

Our mentorship program provides scholarship recipients with career development and direction in two meaningful ways:

  • We match each interested scholarship recipient with an FWSF mentor. Our goal is to enhance a protégé’s career prospects by finding mentors who followed similar career tracks or faced similar life challenges.
  • We sponsor annual meetings for all mentors and protégés. These high-energy gatherings combine issues-focused presentations with networking time to help students broaden their perspectives.

Protégé-driven Program

Our protégés take the initiative to initiate meetings with their mentors and set the agenda. 

Mentor-mentee pairs agree upon the best way to work together. They may meet one to two hours per month, or maintain their relationship by phone or email. They might explore ways to:

  • Provide professional support network
  • Assess career opportunities
  • Improve interviewing skills
  • Explore future educational options
  • Integrate career and personal goals

Life-long Bonds

While most formal mentor-mentee relationships last one year, some pairs form deep and long-lasting bonds.

If you are available to mentor a young woman, please contact us at (415) 586-8599 or

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