FWSF’s First Interest Group: Book Club

At the beginning of 2016, FWSF launched the Book Club as the first Interest Group. The Interest Groups were created to give members an opportunity to meet and form deeper relationships with women in the FWSF community. The organization is already made up of many professionals that care about seeing more women succeed in the finance industry, but there are a lot of other hobbies within the FWSF. There are women in the group that love the arts, the outdoors, cooking, or volunteering. Through the Interest Groups, FWSF hopes to bring these people together and allow them to share their experiences and interests with each other.

Book Club

I started organizing the Book Club because I wanted to get more involved in Financial Women and make the most of my membership. Plus, I am a sucker for non-fiction books, especially when they are related to professional development and personal improvement. Frequently in conversations with other FWSF members, I would find that many members were interested in reading these books too and many of the books on our “Must Read” lists were the same.

This April will be our fourth Book Club meeting and I can’t help but brag that I am surprised, impressed, and excited for our group. Our group has already been featured in an article for The Fruitguys which highlighted the group’s diversity and thoughtful discussions. I look forward to our monthly meetings and learn just as much from the discussions than from the books themselves. The group is filled with smart and successful women who share freely and sometimes vulnerably about their life. To be honest, we don’t always come having read the whole book or even the same book (sometimes people read abridged versions) but it doesn’t hinder conversations at all. The meetings are filled with thoughtful conversations and the relationships that are being fostered are meaningful.

Book Club

Every meeting we chose democratically the book for the next month. For April’s meeting we are reading Strategy Rules: 5 Timeless Lessons from Bill Gates, Andy Grove and Steve Jobs. Feel free to stop by and experience the Book Club for yourself. Please contact me if you are interested: jiran@thepresidiogroup.com.


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