"Success Without a Plan is Just an Accident"

FWSF Event, January 25: Kristi Royse, CEO KLR Consulting

By Linda Wagner, FWSF MarCom Co-Chair

Kristi RoyseCan you think of a better way to start the year than learning from a professional strategy consultant how to live your life on purpose? Or in other words, how do you get what you really want? This was the focus of the January 25th Financial Women of San Francisco’s (FWSF) industry event. FWSF was fortunate to host Kristi Royse, CEO of KLR Consulting, who inspired the audience with a thought-provoking presentation on Personal Strategic Planning.

The Epiphany

Royse dispelled the myth that strategic planning is a long and expensive process that only major companies need or can afford. Having your own personal strategic plan can make the difference between staying stuck where you are or moving forward in your life and your career. Royse’s epiphany was that she could draw on the strategic planning process that she had used successfully over the years with her organizational clients to create a simple process for individuals to use in their own lives.

Kristi Royse Event Image

Key Elements of the Process

  • Discover your purpose and mission
  • Identify your core values
  • Set specific and measurable goals
  • Create action steps that will help your vision become reality

Ten Powerful Guiding Principles

  • Start with where you are going (or want to go) vs. where you are at now, and then figure out how to get there.
  • Clarify the few core values that influence every aspect of your life. It will allow you to make decisions more clearly, including identifying whether you are in the right work environment. You spend too much time at work to not enjoy what you are doing.
  • Figure out your “why,” and the “hows” are easy. As you think about your personal mission and the vision for your career and your life – ask yourself, “What If? Why Not?”
  • Capitalize on your strengths. Royse shared research with the audience that said only 20% of employees feel their strengths are at play every day.
  • Write down your goals. Research indicates you will be nine times more successful.
  • Stop saying yes to everything. It can be very empowering.
  • Follow your passion. You are much more likely to be successful.
  • Share your goals. Ask for help – from friends, family, co-workers. Assume you will be supported.
  • Acknowledge your successes. We all spend far too much time thinking about mistakes or what we didn’t accomplish. Retrain yourself to ask – What went well today?
  • Never give up. Have faith in yourself.

Kristi Royse - Have Faith in Yourself Image

Royse’s Challenge

It takes courage and vision to figure out what you want and to go for it. Until you become completely serious and totally determined about your goals, nothing really happens. What will you do differently to ensure your success?

FWSF has other exciting events coming up. Check out our Events Calendar  https://financialwomensf.org/events/.

Also, we are always looking for attendees who want to provide a summary of the event. If you volunteer, you can attend free of charge. Contact Anne Evers, VP MarComm, if interested: anne@aeversco.com