Member Profile

Laura LongLaura Long

Hanson Bridgett LLP
Chief Financial Officer

What do you like most about being a member of the FWSF community?
What I enjoy most about being a member is being a part of a great network of smart and successful women, whom I can not only connect with socially, but professionally. 

When you were 10 years old, what were your career aspirations?
When I was 10 years old, I wanted to be either an astronaut or architect.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is being an active contributor to my firm's strategic growth.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
I have accomplished many financial goals for the organizations that I have worked in; however, I believe my greatest achievement is and continues to be my positive impact on colleagues. I try to lead by example and feel that I have earned respect from those who I both report to and those who report to me.

What talent would you most like to have and why?
I have so much appreciation for music. I would love to be able to play an instrument well. 

Best part of the past year?
The best part of the past year for me was moving to San Francisco from Boston, and starting my new job. It has given me the opportunity to experience new places, people, and professional challenges.

What is your top career tip?
My top career tip is to be patient. I always have a long list of things that I want to accomplish, but I know that doing something well doesn't happen overnight.

Any recent news that you would like to share?
My firm is working on implementing a dynamic workforce, which will allow everyone in our firm to work remotely (if they so choose) in order to create better working environments for our attorneys and staff, reduce commuting time, and create an overall more agile and happy culture.


Want to participate in Meet a Member?
We want to let the FWSF community know about you! If you would like to participate in our "Meet a Member," please complete this form (registration required). Answer any of the questions that interest you (or answer them all!).

Once our Social Media co-chairs receive your responses they will schedule our #MeetaMemberMonday and #CareerTipThursday features. Thanks.