Scholarship related news

First Annual “Make a Difference Challenge Grant” Awarded to 2016 Scholarship Recipient Vineetha Mummadi

Financial Women of San Francisco (FWSF) last week awarded their first Make a Difference Challenge Grant to Vineetha Mummadi, one of the 11 2016 Scholarship Recipients, due to her passion for improving the lives of women through education. The grant was announced at the FWSF’s 21st annual Financial Woman of the Year luncheon honoring Debbie Messemer, on Wednesday, September 21st, and will continue annually through 2020.

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2016 Scholarship Recipient Compares Triathlon Experience to being a Leader in FinanceMedia Interview Techniques To Deliver Key Messages

Much of the fear and anxiety that comes with the idea of participating in a media interview, comes from the dread of answering a question incorrectly or not being able to articulate what you really mean. A way to get around this, is to hone in on what you want to say by utilizing key messages.

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21st Financial Woman of the Year Event held September 21, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco

A group of two dozen FWSF members gathered at the new and greatly expanded SF Museum of Modern Art on cool Thursday evening in late September. We were met by our personal guide for a tour of the Fisher Collection. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the Fisher Collection and told us many ‘inside’ stories about the artists and their relationships with the Fishers.

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Stephanie Hyde 2015 Scholarship Luncheon Speech

My name is Stephanie Hyde. Almost one year ago exactly I stood before you as an undergraduate scholarship recipient. I remember the feelings of that day vividly: I was so nervous to speak in front of so many people, much like I am today. I was excited to be joining such a remarkable organization. I was proud that I had been chosen for such an honor. I was humbled by the company of my fellow recipients. And of course, I was deeply grateful for the opportunity that you saw fit to offer me. When my turn came to speak, I offered my words of gratitude and took my seat with the confidence that nothing that came out of my mouth was coherent English. Little did I know what a pivotal moment in my life accepting that award would be.

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FWSF Scholarship Recipient Recognized by Her Community

Tanya Gupta, one of the FWSF 2014 graduate scholarship recipients, has been specially recognized by her community. Diana Rohini LaVigne wrote these articles about Tanya which posted on September 22, 2014 in India West and was published in the July – September 14 edition of NRI World.

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